Domo AI App Pricing (FREE or PAID)

Choosing the right plan for your needs when it comes to Domo AI can be a crucial step in unlocking its full potential. In this article, I’ll walk you through the complete pricing model of Domo AI, breaking down the features and costs associated with each plan to help you make an informed decision.

Domo AI Pricing Table:

Below is an overview table showcasing the different plans offered by Domo AI, along with their costs and features:

PlanCostCredits/MonthFast Mode (Images/Videos)WatermarkParallel Fast LanesCredit Top-ups
Basic Plan$9.99/month500~500 images or ~30 videosNo3$4/100 Credits
Standard Plan$19.99/month1200~1200 images or ~80 videosNo3$4/100 Credits
Pro Plan$49.99/month3000~3000 images or ~200 videosNo6$4/100 Credits

Domo AI Pricing [Explained]:

1. Basic Plan:

Cost: $9.99/month

The Basic Plan is an excellent starting point for those looking to explore the capabilities of Domo AI. Priced at $9.99 per month, this plan provides users with 500 credits monthly. With the Basic Plan, users can utilize Fast Mode to generate approximately 500 images or 30 videos each month.

One of the significant advantages of the Basic Plan is the absence of watermarks on the created content, ensuring a professional look for your projects. Additionally, users benefit from 3 parallel fast lanes, which enhance workflow efficiency.

Regular updates guarantee access to a variety of styles, keeping your creative endeavors fresh and exciting. For those who may need additional credits, optional credit top-ups are available at a rate of $4 for every 100 credits.

2. Standard Plan:

Cost: $19.99/month

Stepping up from the Basic Plan, the Standard Plan offers a more comprehensive experience for users. Priced at $19.99 per month, this plan provides 1200 credits monthly, catering to those with higher demands for content generation.

In Fast Mode, users can create approximately 1200 images or 80 videos each month.

Similar to the Basic Plan, the Standard Plan boasts the advantage of no watermarks on the generated content, ensuring a polished final product.

With 3 parallel fast lanes and regular style updates, users can streamline their creative process and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Like the Basic Plan, users have the option to purchase credit top-ups at $4 per 100 credits.

3. Pro Plan:

Cost: $49.99/month

For users seeking the ultimate Domo AI experience, the Pro Plan is tailored to meet the needs of advanced users and creative professionals. Priced at $49.99 per month, this plan offers a substantial 3000 credits monthly, allowing for extensive content generation.

In Fast Mode, users can create approximately 3000 images or 200 videos each month.

The Pro Plan elevates efficiency with 6 parallel fast lanes, enabling users to expedite their workflow and tackle multiple projects simultaneously.

Additionally, the Pro Plan exclusively offers 20s video generation in Fast Mode, providing advanced capabilities for video content creation. With unlimited generations in Relaxed Mode, users have the freedom to explore and experiment without limitations.


In conclusion, selecting the right Domo AI plan depends on your specific needs and requirements. Whether you’re just starting out or a professional, there’s a plan tailored to suit your creative skills.

By understanding the features and costs associated with each plan, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and budget.